Acronis - Advance Email Security - Gsuite

Acronis - Advance Email Security - Gsuite

Create Gmail Group & Configure Host


Configure “Perception Point Scanner” host (to which emails will be routed)
  • Go to → apps → Google Workspace→ Gmail → hosts

  • Click add route

  • Name: Perception Point Scanner

    • Host name:

    • port: 25

  • Do NOT check perform MX lookup on host

  • Make sure that “Require secure transport (TLS)” is checked

    • Make sure that “Require CA signed certificate” is checked

      • Make sure “Validate certificate hostname (Recommended)”

  •  Click Save

Add IP’s To Inbound Gateway


  • Go to → apps → Google Workspace → Gmail → Spam, Phishing and Malware

  • Scroll down to Inbound gateway and click the edit button

  • “Enable” the Inbound Gateway if it has not been enabled

  • Add the following IPs to your inbound gateway






  • Check “Automatically detect external IP”

  • Check “Require TLS for connections from the email gateways listed above”

  • In the Message Tagging section (for P.P. Spam engine – optional)

  • Check “Message is considered spam if the following header regexp matches”

  • Insert <X-PERCEPTION-POINT-SPAM: FAIL> to the Regexp

  • Make sure “Message is spam if regexp matches” is selected

  • Uncheck “Disable Gmail spam evaluation on mail from his gateway;

  • only use header value”.

  • Click Save


Route Incoming Emails to Perception Point


  1. Go to → apps → Google Workspace → Gmail →compliance
  2. Scroll down to content compliance and click configure (if you already have a content compliance rule - click add another)
    1. Name (short description): Perception Point Redirect Rule
    2. Email messages to affect:
      1. check Inbound

Expression 1

Unique Header Expression
  • Add expressions that describe the content you want to search for in each message”:

    • In the first dropdown choose: “If ALL of the following match the message”

    • Click add

    • Fill in accordingly:

      • Advanced content match

      • Location: Full headers

      • Match type: Not contains text

      • Content: {Unique Value at least 8 characters long}

Example: GHTD465J

Create an expression that is unique to your organization, using a password generator such as 1Password. We highly recommend using capital letters and numbers. Avoid using the full organization name.

  • Save

  • If the above expressions match, do the following: “modify message”

  • Check “Add X-Gm-Original-To header” & “Add X-Gm-Spam and X-Gm-Phishyheaders”

  • Check “Add custom headers” (same generated Value as above)


Please note that the “X-” is being added to the expression automatically.

  • Value: {The value generated in previous step above}

Example: GHTD465J

The expression added must be the exact expression added in the previous section.

  • Check “Change route” (and “Also reroute spam” – optional)

  • From the dropdown choose “Perception Point Scanner”

  • At the bottom of the dialog click “show options”

    • Under “Account types to affect” choose “Users” and “groups” (Unrecognized / Catch-all)

    • Under “envelope filter” choose “only affect specific envelope recipients” and in the drop down, choose “Pattern match” for your domain or “Group membership” for a specific email group.

      • Multiple Domains: If you wish to add more than one domain/user group/user, add them with “|” and without spaces between them.

Expression 2

Email Size Limitation
  • Edit the “expressions” section under content compliance” and add a new expression:

    • Metadata match

    • Attribute: Message size

    • Match type: Message size is less than the following (MB) 40

  • Save


  • Click Save for the settings change

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