Once the agent installed or if an error comes up on the dashboard related to Snapapi run the following commands to check if everything is in place:
Just to be sure the uninstallation was successful run the below commands(these commands can also be used to uninstall the agent manually)
1. First, stop all running Acronis services which are part of the agent.
Run one of the following commands to show the list of the services belonging to the Agent:
systemctl | grep -i acronis - - - > this command can be used to check if any services related to acronis are still running
systemctl | grep -i acro
Similarly, run the command below to show processes related to Acronis Agent:
ps aux | grep -i acro
Stop each service using the following command:
sudo systemctl stop <servicename>
2. Ensure that any backups which might have been mounted via the trueimagemnt or acrocmd command-line tools (either by the agent when it was in use previously, or by the user manually, or by some 3rd party script or integration tool/plugin) have been unmounted, and that no backup remains mounted on through the "snumbd" kernel driver module.
You can check for mounted backups by using these commands:
mount | grep -i snumbd
trueimagemnt --list
cat /proc/partitions
cat /proc/partitions | grep snumbd
sblk -m | grep snum
The goal is to have no active mounts (no output) by trueimagemnt --list, and similarly for other commands.
Example of trueimagemnt --list showing no mounts:
[root@host ~]# trueimagemnt --list
[root@host ~]#
Here are some examples of when there IS something mounted on snumbd:
# lsblk -m | grep snum
snumbd1d 1022M
snumbd3d 1.9T
snumbd4d 1022M
snumbd6d 1.9T
Case 2: If the snapapi installed is not for the kernel currently in use
Uname -r (this command shows the current kernel version)
The module should be installed manually according to the following guide:
Install headers, devel, and necessary packages (it is worth noting that packages should be installed for the version of the kernel that is running on the server, for which the module will be built):
# yum install kernel-devel kernel-headers elfutils-libelf-devel
Check the current SnapAPI version. The latest version installed on the server should be used. In this case, it is 0.8.4.
# ls /usr/src
file_protector-1.1-1485 snapapi26-0.7.135 snapapi26-0.7.142
file_protector-1.1-1487 snapapi26-0.7.139 snapapi26-0.8.4
Note: If the directory with the necessary version is missing, e.g.:
Directory: /usr/src/snapapi26-0.8.8 does not exist.
Unpack the archive as follows:
# cd /usr/lib/Acronis/kernel_modules/
# tar xvfz snapapi26-0.8.8-all.tar.gz
# mkdir /usr/src/snapapi26-0.8.8
# mv /usr/lib/Acronis/kernel_modules/dkms_source_tree/* /usr/src/snapapi26-0.8.8/
# sed 's/REMAKE_INITRD/#REMAKE_INITRD/' -i /usr/src/snapapi26-0.8.8/dkms.conf
Install and load the module manually:
# dkms build -m snapapi26 -v 0.8.4 --config /boot/config-$(uname -r) --arch $(uname -p) --kernelsourcedir /usr/src/kernels/$(uname -r)
# dkms install -m snapapi26 -v 0.8.4
# modprobe snapapi26
# systemctl restart acronis_mms
Verify, that everything works as expected:
# dkms status snapapi26 |grep installed
snapapi26/0.8.4, 3.10.0-962.3.2.lve1.5.63.el7.x86_64, x86_64: installed
# lsmod | grep snap
snapapi26 50066 3
# systemctl status acronis_mms
● acronis_mms.service - Acronis machine management service
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/acronis_mms.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Tue 2021-12-23 10:40:52 -03; 8s ago
Main PID: 923109 (mms)
CGroup: /system.slice/acronis_mms.service
└─923109 /usr/lib/Acronis/BackupAndRecovery/mms
Dec 23 10:40:52 srv.wcorp53.com systemd[1]: Starting Acronis machine management service...
Dec 23 10:40:52 srv.wcorp53.com systemd[1]: Started Acronis machine management service.