HarfangLab EDR Installation

HarfangLab EDR Installation

Non-interactive installation

To perform the non-interactive installation:
  1. Download the Agent msi file on the desired system.
  2. Launch Powershell as an Administrator and traverse to the Directory where the Agent msi file is place on the system.   
  3. Copy the following non-interactive command:
Windows Command: 
msiexec /qn /i windowsagent-3.4.10_x64.msi HOST=<host> PORT=443 PROTO=https SRV_SIG_PUB=<public key> PASSWORD=<password>

Linux Command:
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive HURUKAI_HOST=<host> HURUKAI_PORT=443 HURUKAI_PROTOCOL=https HURUKAI_KEY=<key> HURUKAI_SRV_SIG_PUB=<public key> HURUKAI_PASSWORD=<password> apt install ./linuxagent-3.4.10_x64.deb

Note: Replace the <host>, <public key>, <key> and <password> values with the respective values shared by the team.
  1. Paste the non-interactive command in the Powershell terminal and press ENTER.
The installation does not require restarting the computer.

Interactive installation

To perform the interactive installation:
  1. Download the Agent msi file on the desired system.
  2. Launch Powershell as an Administrator and traverse to the Directory where the Agent msi file is place on the system.   
  3. Copy the proposed interactive command:
Windows Commands: 
msiexec /i windowsagent-3.4.10_x64.msi HOST=<host> PORT=443 PROTO=https SRV_SIG_PUB=<public key> PASSWORD=<password>

Linux Commands:
HURUKAI_HOST=<host> HURUKAI_PORT=443 HURUKAI_PROTOCOL=https HURUKAI_KEY=<key> HURUKAI_SRV_SIG_PUB=<public key> HURUKAI_PASSWORD=<password> apt install ./linuxagent-3.4.10_x64.deb
          Note: Replace the <host>, <public key>, <key> and <password> values with the respective values shared by the team.
  1. Paste the interactive command in the Powershell terminal and press ENTER
  2. The "interactive" installation means that this opens the graphical installer dialog. You'll need to click Next and review the settings before installing. The graphical installer performs these steps:
    1. Selection of the installation directory (by default, the agent is installed in the C:\Program Files\HarfangLab directory
    2. Finish setup (once the installation is finished, the EDR agent service is started and paired with the EDR Manager)

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